3 Ways To Optimize Your Conversion Rate Strategy

August 11, 2015 - by Lior Krolewicz, Founder and CEO,Yael Consulting

You’ve got a pretty good conversion rate but it could be better? Your conversion numbers are okay but could use an increase? Maybe it’s time to change your conversion rate strategy. We collected the most important CRO best practices to make your campaigns more effective and to boost your conversions.

1. Content vs. Style

In order to get more conversions you’ll have to make some changes. The question is, what kind of changes? Typically style changes have a smaller impact on your conversion rate as content changes. I’m not saying don’t test different images, colors, and fonts but focus on the content of your website rather than the design. Your customers are looking for a solution to a problem on your website that they’ll get from your message. Therefore, test and optimize your content first and then test various styles and perfect your website.

2. Never Stop Testing

It’s tempting to lean back and watch your conversions increase after you’ve optimized your website but don’t rest too long. Trends are changing constantly and therefore you should always be testing and discovering new ideas for your landing pages. Split testing should become part of your campaign management routine in order to make sure you’re not missing out on valuable conversions.

3. Drawing Conclusions

The good thing about testing is that you’re learning what works for you and what doesn’t. However, what didn’t work for you last year might very well work now as trends are constantly changing as well as your audience. Therefore, learn from the results of your split testing. If a theory didn’t work, find out why. Keep testing. A new theory worked well, great. Find out why. Always try to find out why one theory worked or didn’t work and draw the right conclusions.

Sometimes a few simple changes can make a huge difference. In order to find out what these changes are, start (and never stop) testing individual elements of your website. Knowing what works for you and what doesn’t and learning from the results of your testing can help you to boost conversions and to develop your customized conversion rate strategy.

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