AdWords Bid Modifier – Best Practices

January 20, 2015 - by Lior Krolewicz, Founder and CEO,Yael Consulting
Conceptual hand writing showing Real Time Bidding. Business photo showcasing Buy and sell advertising inventory by instant auctions.

adwords-bid-modifiers Bid modifiers allow you to optimize your campaign by increasing or decreasing the bid based on the performance in a certain location, at a certain time of the day, or on mobile devices. By adjusting the bid, you can control where and when your ads are showing and improve your performance and ultimately your return on investment.

1. First Things First: Google Analytics

In order to adjust your bidding, take a look at your performance in Google Analytics first. Find out which locations, times, and devices converted well for you and which did not. Knowing where and when your campaign performs best, allows you to make smart bid adjustments that will optimize your results.

2. Location

You can modify your location bidding on the campaign level under Settings – Locations. You will see a column called Bid Adjustments where you can increase or decrease your bid by percentages. Use this feature to change your bid according to your customers’ countries, cities or certain geographic regions that converted well for you. You may target several geographic areas more aggressively or only the best-performing location – the choice is yours.

3. Time

To adjust your time bidding, you need to start out on the campaign level and go from there to your Settings – Ad Schedule. You will see an overview where you can select the days and hours of the day that performed best for you and increase your bid for these times. You may select several days or the whole week and adjust your bid. You can also change the bid for your most productive hours of the day and make sure your ads will be shown more frequently during these times.

4. Device

Similar to location and time, you will find the device bid modifier on the campaign level under Settings – Devices. Here you can modify the bid for mobile devices anywhere between -100% and +300%. Unlike location and time bidding, you can set device bid modifiers for a whole campaign or single ad groups. If your campaign performs better on mobile devices than desktop computers, increase your bids for mobile and get more quality traffic.

If you need AdWords help, turn to Yael Consulting.

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