Boosting Company Sales With a Google AdWords Management Agency

December 28, 2020 - by Lior Krolewicz, Founder and CEO,Yael Consulting
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Boosting Company Sales With a Google AdWords Management Agency

Marketing opportunities available to businesses in the digital era are huge, and they offer massive potential for business growth. Knowing which activities to focus on and finding the time to optimize them can however be a nightmare for small business owners.

Not capitalizing on opportunities such as Google AdWords also presents a risk to your business, as it is highly likely that your competitors will be doing so. Advertising on Google is becoming increasingly essential, and at the same time it is becoming more and more complex to get right. Keeping up with and surpassing your competitors on Google searches is not an easy task, and one that you may struggle to handle without outside help.

Finding the time to focus

Running your business and handling existing projects is more than a full-time job in itself. Finding the time to bring in leads and nurture in new clients is therefore something that often gets left on the back burner. But building a website and hoping people will come is no longer a strategy that will deliver results.

Striking the balance between making sure your firm stands out on Google is one that many small business owners are contemplating. Whether or not you have the technical skills to setup effective AdWords campaigns in-house, having the time to focus on them is another matter.

With this in mind, choosing to take on an AdWords management company is a good choice, and one that is becoming more and more essential for successful businesses. Well-executed AdWords campaigns can make the difference in standing out ahead of your competition. It can also pull in well-defined leads, bring traffic to your website, and increase your firm’s awareness.

Why not do it yourself?

For a topic such as Google AdWords management where there is such an abundance of information online, a DIY approach may sound like a good choice. Not only does this enable you to take control of your campaigns, but you save on external agency costs.

This approach often proves to be false economy for two main reasons. Firstly, while the cash saved on an agency may appeal, weigh this against your own time doing the same tasks. And on top of that you may need to invest time in upskilling yourself to a basic level.

Furthermore, launching AdWords campaigns that are not optimized can lead to wasting your valuable budget on irrelevant leads and clicks. This also creates an abundance of wasted time, and the risk that your competitors are picking up the good leads in the meantime.

Choosing the right AdWords management agency

Finding the right AdWords consultant enables you to know that this crucial aspect of your firm’s marketing campaigns are in good hands.

But once you have done this, make sure the details are in place and clear to all parties. Who will update the website? Who will create and update landing pages? What format will the agency send you the adverts to approve? Ensuring you have the answers to these questions, and others, clarified well in advance will ensure your relationship is set for success.

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