How to Manage Google Adwords Campaigns with High CPCs
With more and more advertisers turning to digital marketing and Google Adwords, the competition is fierce. This, in turn, drives up the average CPCs (cost per click) for many industries. Some incredibly specialized industries can run over $100 per click. The help of a Google Adwords consultant is often invaluable here. But there are a few best practices that are particularly important to keep in mind. In this post, I will cover the strategies and techniques to manage these campaigns with abnormally high CPCs
How Google Adwords Management Services Deal with High CPCs
- Optimize the funnel
With each click being so valuable, every part of the funnel needs to be dialed down. This means not only optimizing your Google Adwords campaign but the website or landing page as well. Every user or session becomes even more valuable with higher CPCs. You might even want to consult a conversion rate optimization expert. Your traffic can be super targeted, but all those ad dollars can go to waste if the website is not optimized.
In general, you want to make sure you are bringing users to the correct page of your site, your service is clearly stated, and there is an area for you to capture the user’s relevant information (such as a form or email opt-in).
- Create Specific Ads to Qualify the Offer
In most cases, the click-thru rate is critical as it’s one of the main factors in determining the quality score. But with incredibly high CPCs, there Balance between click-thru rate and qualifying the ad. You may want to “qualify” your ad or deter unwanted clicks. If you are only in B2B services, you can add “for business” to your headlines. This will prevent nonbusiness oriented consumers.
- Target Keywords
With very high CPCs, your keyword and campaign structure must be dialed in. Each click is valuable, and you don’t want to waste precious marketing dollars on irrelevant clicks. This means not only selecting the most relevant keywords but curating a negative keyword list as well. It’s here where a Google Adwords Management service will likely prove invaluable. But on your own, make sure to target exact match and broad match modified keywords mainly.
- Don’t Go After Volume. Start Slow
Start tight, then slowly start expanding your campaigns. This is the case for most accounts, but especially important when CPCs are high. Start with exact match keywords that are highly relevant, see what type of traffic you bring, and slowly expand from there
- Look Into Other Networks Such as a Display to Get Cheaper Traffic
Although traffic quality doesn’t tend to be as high on display, sometimes this is made up for in volume. By mixing search traffic and a display, you can drive more traffic to the website for a cheap cost. This is particularly effective if there are prepopulated Google Adwords audiences that are relevant to your business, or website with display ads that your target audience visits frequently
Final Tips from a Google Adwords Consultant
Overall, high CPC accounts are not much different from standard accounts. The principles we’ve laid out from previous posts still apply here. The main difference is the room for error and mistakes is greatly diminished. Without the help of a Google Adwords consultant, these types of accounts are particularly challenging. But with deliberate effort and monitoring of campaigns, it is not impossible